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Troubleshooting Guide

Common errors:

Admin Message: State Mismatched. Time expired?

This error occurs when the user is redirected to the Google login page and then returns to the Django login page but original state are not found. Please check if the browser has the anonymous session created by Django. This error can occur if you use instead of localhost for your local tests.

Google show the message: The Solicitation from App XXX is Invalid.

Make sure you have added the correct Callback URI on Google Console. Please remember the trailing slash for this URI.

My custom css is not working

Make sure you have added the correct static files path on your file. Please check the Django documentation for more details. Make sure your path is static/django_google_sso/google_button.css. You can also need to setup the STATICFILES_DIRS setting in your project. Check the Example app below for more details.

How can I log out Django user if I log out from Google first?

If you log out from Google, the Django user will not be logged out automatically - his user session is valid up to 1 hour, or the time defined, in seconds, in GOOGLE_SSO_SESSION_COOKIE_AGE. You can use the GOOGLE_SSO_SAVE_ACCESS_TOKEN to save the access token generated during user login, and use it to check if the user status in Google (inside a Middleware, for example). Please check the Example App for more details.

My callback URL is but my project is running at http://localhost:8000

This error occurs because your Project is using the Django Sites Framework and the current site is not configured correctly. Please make sure that the current site is configured for your needs or, alternatively, use the GOOGLE_SSO_CALLBACK_DOMAIN setting.

There's too much information on logs and messages from this app.

You can disable the logs using the GOOGLE_SSO_ENABLE_LOGS setting and the messages using the GOOGLE_SSO_ENABLE_MESSAGES setting.

Example App

To test this library please check the Example App provided here.

Not working?

Don't panic. Get a towel and, please, open an issue.