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Advanced Use

On this section, you will learn how to use Django Google SSO in more advanced scenarios. This section assumes you have a good understanding for Django advanced techniques, like custom User models, custom authentication backends, and so on.

Using Custom Authentication Backend

If the users need to log in using a custom authentication backend, you can use the GOOGLE_SSO_AUTHENTICATION_BACKEND setting:


GOOGLE_SSO_AUTHENTICATION_BACKEND = "myapp.authentication.MyCustomAuthenticationBackend"

Using Google as Single Source of Truth

If you want to use Google as the single source of truth for your users, you can simply set the GOOGLE_SSO_ALWAYS_UPDATE_USER_DATA. This will enforce the basic user data (first name, last name, email and picture) to be updated at every login.


GOOGLE_SSO_ALWAYS_UPDATE_USER_DATA = True  # Always update user data on login

Adding additional data to User model though scopes

If you need more advanced logic, you can use the GOOGLE_SSO_PRE_LOGIN_CALLBACK setting to import custom data from Google (considering you have configured the right scopes and possibly a Custom User model to store these fields).

For example, you can use the following code to update the user's name, email and birthdate at every login:


GOOGLE_SSO_SAVE_ACCESS_TOKEN = True  # You will need this token
GOOGLE_SSO_PRE_LOGIN_CALLBACK = "hooks.pre_login_user"
    "",  # <- This is a custom scope
# myapp/
import datetime
import httpx
from loguru import logger

def pre_login_user(user, request):
    token = request.session.get("google_sso_access_token")
    if token:
        headers = {
            "Authorization": f"Bearer {token}",

        # Request Google User Info
        url = ""
        response = httpx.get(url, headers=headers)
        user_data = response.json()
        logger.debug(f"Updating User Data with Google User Info: {user_data}")

        # Request Google People Info for the additional scopes
        url = f""
        response = httpx.get(url, headers=headers)
        people_data = response.json()
        logger.debug(f"Updating User Data with Google People Info: {people_data}")
        birthdate =**people_data["birthdays"][0]['date'])

        user.first_name = user_data["given_name"]
        user.last_name = user_data["family_name"] = user_data["email"]
        user.birthdate = birthdate  # You need a Custom User model to store this field