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Using Django Admin

Django Google SSO integrates with Django Admin, adding an Inline Model Admin to the User model. This way, you can access the Google SSO data for each user.

Using Custom User model

If you are using a custom user model, you may need to add the GoogleSSOInlineAdmin inline model admin to your custom user model admin, like this:


from django.contrib import admin
from django.contrib.auth.admin import UserAdmin
from django_google_sso.admin import (
    GoogleSSOInlineAdmin, get_current_user_and_admin

CurrentUserModel, last_admin, LastUserAdmin = get_current_user_and_admin()


class CustomUserAdmin(LastUserAdmin):
    inlines = (
        tuple(set(list(last_admin.inlines) + [GoogleSSOInlineAdmin]))
        if last_admin
        else (GoogleSSOInlineAdmin,)

The get_current_user_and_admin helper function will return:

  • the current registered UserModel in Django Admin (default: django.contrib.auth.models.User)
  • the current registered UserAdmin in Django (default: django.contrib.auth.admin.UserAdmin)
  • the instance of the current registered UserAdmin in Django (default: None)

Use this objects to maintain previous inlines and register your custom user model in Django Admin.